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A Silver Lining

Well, we have updates that are good and updates that are not so good.

I went to my primary care physician, my oncologist, and then back to the doctor who performed my physical exam for the Oregon Departments of Education and Transportation. The blood work and the CT scan that were performed were "unremarkable" and "showed no further evidence of disease." This is awesome news. My oncologist developed a plan where I will return in 6 months for more blood tests and 6 months after that for the same blood tests and a chest x-ray to further make sure that everything is in order.

I was able to get a letter stating as such and submitted it to the doctor who performed my physical exam. She has approved me for 1 year (9 months after the previous expiration that only provided 3 months). The maximum is 2 years but because of my recent medical history we're sitting at 1 year, which is better than what I had (which expired at the end of this week).

All I'm waiting on here now is taking a copy of my new physical card to the DMV so that they have a copy and update their records, and then my recertification with the Department of Education to extend my ability to transport students.

The story about the not so good updates may or may not occur later.

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