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FAQ / Contact Info

Contact Info
Mike A. Trethewey

Laura E. Trethewey

If you need more specific information to contact us please send us an email! Thank you for your time.

Where do you guys live?
We initially lived in Beaverton, OR (about 20 minutes away from Portland) and have since relocated to Rainier, OR (about 60 minutes away from Portland).
What is Testicular Cancer?
Cancer of the testis, like other cancers it can spread. You can read an overview of testicular cancer here or at WebMD. This is the same type of cancer that Lance Armstrong beat, and it had spread to his brain.
What does it mean that Mike has stage two, metastatic testicular cancer?
A lot of the time, stages of cancer depends on the type of tumors and how far the cancer is spread. Their are metastatic tumors in mikes lungs, and abdomen. More information can be found in the above links.
Why does he need this surgery so badly?
Because these metastic tumors can still grow and spread, even after the chemotherapy. Currently they are operable, and mike can still go into remision, this is why time is of the essence. This type of cancer can spread quickly and can still become terminal.
Did Mike's hair fall out during chemotherapy?
Yes it did, as did his beard, and all other body hair.
What are some common problems with getting Mike assistance?
  • No children
  • No insurance
  • Not under 18/19
  • Not over 65
  • Not the right kind of cancer
  • Not sick for long enough
  • Most "charities" are out of funds
  • Most associations redirect to 211 which dead ends at Oregon Health Plan
  • Most redirects dead end at Oregon Health Plan
  • Oregon Health Plan is not accepting
  • Pre-existing condition clause for new Insurance- Waiting period 6-12 months

As I get more questions that are commonly asked I will update.

Associations that are providing some kind of assistance:

***Virginia Mason Medical Center***
Working with testicular cancer specialist, originally a Kaiser referral. Preforming the surgery, and covering most of the costs!
Department of State Lands
Looking into unclaimed funds.
Legacy Comprehensive Cancer Center at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
Annette (Oncology Nurse Navigator), no primary leads, emotional support
No Insurance Surgery
Application Filed
Oregon Health & Science University Urology
Exploring Financial Assistance program
Providence Medical and Cancer Centers
Exploring Financial Assistance program

Associations that we have called more than once and are still on the search for more help:

Federal Medical Insurance Pool (FMIP)
applying, waiting to hear back
Oregon Health and Sciences University and other colleges
not currently terminal
Oregon State Representative Chris Harker (Salem, OR) (
Kimberly Goddard: Referrals to Oregon High Risk Pool, Project Access NOW, Oregon State Representative Suzanne Bonamici
Oregon State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward (Salem, OR) (
Gail Snyder: advocating
Oregon State Senator Jeff Merkley (Washington, D.C.)
Associations that were unable to provide service:
21st Care
Referred to OHP
American Association for Cancer Research
American Cancer Society
Based on availability, not available, redirects
Cancer Care
Based on availability, did not qualify based on condition as well
Cancer Transportation
Does not support Oregon
Civil Rights Division of Oregon
Community Action
Based on availability, not available
DHS Seniors and Disability
Has not been disabled for more than 12 months, is not over the age of 65, is not currently terminal
Dr. Vuky
Seeing if Dr. Vuky is next step. If not, where to go next.
Emanuel Hospital
Dead End referral
Energy Assistance Program
Based on availability, not available
Family Health Insurance Assistance Program
Referral to OHP- dead end
Legacy Health System
Dead End referral
LiveStrong: The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Does not provide funding for cancer patients in the state of Oregon
Oregon Health Connect
Dead End referral
Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
Not accepting applicants, not currently terminal
Oregon State Representative Suzanne Bonamici
Referrals to Oregon Health and Science University, Patient Navigator: Lance Armstrong, American Cancer Society (already exploring, Dead End referrals)
Patient Advocate Situation
Referred to OHP
Planned Parenthood
Dead End referral
Regence Oregon Medical Insurance
Shriners Hospital: Wilsonville, Oregon and other locations
Didn't qualify for assistance, waiting to hear back.
Shriners Hospital Headquarters:
On their list, awaiting futher response from them
Susan G Komen Foundation
No funds/does not help testicular cancer
United Way 211
Referrals for local food banks and emergency support- based on avail.
Various Prescription Drug Outreach/other similar programs
Currently we have no need for these, have been kept on file for potential need later.
A list of organizations that have helped can be found on our Thank You page.

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